Camping, garden and café. Remote work apart from working at home & at the office

Remote work, i.e., working independently of location, is often equated with working from home. But the places that lend themselves to mobile work are legion. We want to present to you to a few options other than the office mainstream.


Outdoors: The workplace in a world of green.

Even as a child you were told: run outside and get some fresh air! Yet today we sit in the office for up to nine hours a day. All remote workers have the option of temporarily relocating their workplace outdoors. The bad news: sadly, tanking up on sunlight can’t be reconciled with work at the computer screen. So look for a quiet place – a park or (restaurant) garden – with enough shade so you can see what you’re tapping into your notebook and your device doesn’t overheat and leave you high and dry.


The café: productivity with cappuccino and cake.

The café has always been an inspiring place and a setting for many a writer to ply his trade. Reason enough to pack your laptop and get stuck into work accompanied by coffee and cake. Admittedly, working in this remote space is not that simple. It requires preparation. First of all, you have to find the right location for this gastronomic work experience. Make sure of your internet connection, outlets, sufficient seating and a low noise level. If you plan to use your temporary workplace for an extended period, don’t forget to order a morsel or two every one and a half hours – after all, the restaurant owner has to stay in pocket, too. Once you have chosen your place to be, make sure you pack your notebook charger, headphones and your work documents, not forgetting your keys and wallet.


The train: the way is the goal.

Do you have to travel a lot for your work and are irked by unproductive hours in the car? What about taking the train for dealing with pressing jobs during the journey? Most trains are equipped with WiFi and outlets. A seat reservation guarantees you your mobile desk. On top of that, you’ll earn a medal as a climate hero.


The cruise ship: desks ahoy on the high seas.

Since we’re talking about mobile working, how about a cruise? A voyage across the sea lasting days doesn’t offer much scenic variety – perfect conditions for working without distraction and stress. But caution: the space in your cabin is not what you’d call opulent. So it’s essential to clarify beforehand where to set up your office on the ship. And the Internet connection might also present a problem. By the way, do you get seasick easily?


Camper van: work and travel.

You think it’s a great idea to have a different view from your office every day? A trip in the camper van is ideal to bring a change of scenery into everyday work – mobile working in the truest sense of the word. But what at first sounds exciting needs a great deal of planning. In order to do a good job, at all events you need a stable internet connection. So don’t travel to remote places. Apart from this, the camper doesn’t offer much room, which restricts your workplace and possibly hinders you in your work.


Workation: Go South!

You, the laptop, the palm trees… We’re all familiar with these images. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it, but it’s only half as romantic the scene suggests. We’ve known for a long time that the screen and the midday sun are not the best of friends. This means you’re shackled inside during your workation period (also because of the mainly high temperatures). Although after work and at the weekend, you can play happy holidaymakers and enjoy the sea. But don’t go too far away because a possible time shift hinders work with your colleagues.



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