skill system table
Table systems

skill system table

design: Andreas Krob

The skill product range is characterised by elegance and visual lightness. Thanks to its diversity, skill offers the perfect solution for each application area. The new skill system table complements the mobile flip top table and the conference table for static meeting rooms. Highly flexible, and available in numerous different formats, this system table connects two table tops with only one frame, so all kinds of table configurations can be set up instantly and without any tools. If required, each element can also be used as a single table. The skill system table demonstrates its full potential in large scale table configurations.

Conference, Meeting

Everything is in your hands.

Variants & technical data

Triangular segment top  of a table.

Triangular segment top right

Circular segment top of a conference table.

Circular segment top, attention: only compatible with circular segment top 3518

Semi-trapezoidal of a table system.

Semi-trapezoidal top radius on right edge

Trapezoidal top radius on long edge.

Trapezoidal top radius on long edge

Your flexible communication highway.

By releasing the locking mechanism in the table top support, the frame attached to the underside of the table top can be removed and latched into the desired position. The frames can be used flexibly: as an element linking two table tops or as an end piece flush with the edge.

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