BROEINEST ADAM: A breading ground for creative minds.
Up until a few years ago, the old factory building of Broeinest ADAM in the north of Amsterdam was a place for dancing the night away and disco music. At the start of the summer 2018, after extensive renovation work, it has been redesigned. You can still dance here, although only at special events – always, when architects, designers and product manufacturers meet.

Broeinest comes from the Dutch term for breeding ground and is a crossover concept of office, showroom, coworking space and creative workshop. The concept of these original breeding grounds originated in the USA. The most recent project, Broeinest ADAM, is already the third location in the Netherlands. The high walls of the factory hall and the great deal of light which falls through the large windows allow a wide range of possibilities when it comes to room design. A few parts of the factory hall have not just been renewed, but also recycled. Part of the demolition materials was transformed into doorframes thanks to clever planning and processing. On various levels, meeting areas, spaces of retreat, communication rooms and spaces for active drafting and working were created – and all under one roof.

Every mountain needs a summit.
“The Rock” forms a sort of platform with three presentation areas and a cosy café. There, lectures and pop-up exhibitions take place frequently. At “Top of the Rock”, resign installations are shown regularly. The angular sculpture of a bear, which greets visitors in front of the cafeteria, is also a bit of an eye-catcher. Within these meeting areas, a path leads to “The Cave”. Just like in Batman, this offers areas which are almost hidden from view, a retreat possibility for conferences and a concentrated exchange of ideas. The rough look gives the room an emotional feel and incites people to bring movement into communication.

From the garden to the factory.
The heart of Broeinest ADAM is the “Green Office“. As the name already suggests, this is a real greenhouse which has found a new task at Broeinest. The option of undisturbed communication also reminds people to produce materials and furniture sustainably and to recycle. Besides: who else can hold meetings every day in a greenhouse?
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